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Top Tips For Flying With A Vape Device

Whether you are contemplating a winter getaway or are making early plans for a summer holiday, one small consideration that a long-time smoker using vaping to help quit smoking is whether they can take their device on holiday with them.

Most places around the world will likely have a vape supplier, but if you want to take your own device and liquid, there are a few important considerations to make before you jet off.


Pack It In Hand Luggage

As vape devices regardless of shape are typically powered by lithium-ion batteries, they need to be carefully taken care of, typically by placing them in your hand luggage or a pocket.

You cannot store battery products in the hold such as laptops, tablets, mobile phones and vapes due to the risk of the battery breaking, so it is best to keep these with you in your hand luggage.

Because it is in hand luggage it could mean that your bag is also more liable to security checks, so be aware of the possibility. If possible, try to keep the original box of packaging on hand so they can prove what the vape device is if you have any queries.


Check Liquid Restrictions

Most airports and airlines have a very strict set of guidelines for what liquids you can carry on a plane, how much and how they are stored.

Typically you are allowed less than 100ml per container, which is stored in a resealable bag provided by the airport itself.


Check Airline Guidelines

Most airlines have a relatively uniform policy but it is important to check what the rules are before you start vaping in either the terminal or the plane itself.

Most airlines have a blanket ban on smoking, a rule that is also extended to using vapes, so try to pack some gum or patches to help with cravings during a long flight.