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Quitting Smoking With Vapes

Let’s face it, quitting smoking can be a real challenge, and if you’re trying to pack in without a stop-smoking aid, then your chances of success are even slimmer.

This is why vape devices have become such a hit among smokers and ex-smokers as they’ve helped millions of people across the world finally give up their health-destroying habit.

Smoking is without a doubt one of the most destructive habits a person can have. As well as putting you at risk of a multitude of cancers, inhaling tobacco smoke also damages your heart and lungs, which is why it’s linked to a plethora of respiratory illnesses. 

Research carried out a few years ago showed that a staggering 70 percent of smokers would like to give up their habit. 

Thankfully, e-cigarettes are helping smokers do just that. In this guide, we’ll explain how vapes can help you overcome your addiction to smoking, and we’ll also touch on the health benefits you’ll reap when you finally stub out those cigarettes for the very last time!


Why Is Quitting Smoking So Hard?

If you’ve ever tried to quit smoking, you’ll know that it can be extremely difficult. Unless you have an iron will and bags of determination, quitting smoking without the use of a cessation tool can feel like an impossible task. For those who have been smoking for many years, it is practically an impossible task!

This is why using a stop-smoking aid can be extremely beneficial, as you can increase your chances of success. Until around a decade ago, the only options were nicotine patches and gum, but these weren’t especially effective for some smokers, who would soon slip back into their old habit.

That was until the arrival of e-cigarettes, which truly revolutionised the world of stop-smoking aids! Over twice as effective as other smoking cessation tools, vapes help more and more people quit smoking every day.


Smoking Vs Vaping

There are a few reasons why vapes have proven so successful in helping so many quit smoking. One of the main reasons is that the sensation of using a vape is similar to smoking, as is the delivery of the nicotine.

What’s great about vape devices is that they provide the nicotine a smoker needs without any of the cancer-causing, health-wrecking tar and carbon monoxide. This makes vapes a healthier, cleaner way to inhale your nicotine, with Public Health England declaring they’re at least 95 percent safer than smoking cigarettes after conducting a massive study.

There is also little evidence that vapes cause any of the respiratory issues that are common with smoking, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). 

Although vapes are obviously much newer than cigarettes and we don’t yet have a full understanding of the long-term effects, what we do know is that they contain far fewer toxins and are much less damaging to our health.


How Vapes Can Help You Quit Smoking

As touched on above, one of the reasons vaping is such a successful stop-smoking aid is that it mimics the sensation of puffing on a cigarette. In addition to this, there are various other ways vapes can help you overcome your smoking addiction, including.


Massive Choice of Flavours

Ask anyone who vapes, and they’ll tell you that one of the best things about it is the huge choice of delicious flavours that are available. Unlike cigarettes, which come in pretty much just one flavour, e-liquids are available in literally thousands of different varieties.

Regardless of your tastes or preferences, there’s bound to be something for you! Whether you like desserts, nostalgia-inducing candy flavours or fresh fruit flavours, there’s something to please every palette. Or if you’d simply prefer a tobacco flavour to mimic the taste of your cigarettes, you can opt for that too.

If you’ve found a great flavour, that doesn’t mean you can’t vape other ones too! If you’re someone who subscribes to the idea that variety is the spice of life, you can have a number of flavours on rotation. Once you’re bored of one, simply change it for another!

The massive choice of flavours is what keeps many vapers coming back again and again, and it’s just one of many reasons why vaping can help you quit smoking.


Control of Nicotine

Unlike smoking, which delivers the same amount of nicotine per puff, with vaping, you call the shots. Fancy lowering your nicotine level? Then just use a lower-strength liquid and you can be vaping something lighter in no time.

Alternatively, if you feel the current level of nicotine isn’t quite hitting the spot, you can simply level up to the next strength, and you should get the hit you need without needing to take more and more puffs.

By granting you the power to choose from a range of nicotine strengths, vaping puts you in the driving seat and allows you to dictate the pace of your weaning journey. 


Improved Health

Without a doubt, the reason so many people want to break free from the grip of cigarettes is the impact on their health. Not only that, but smoking also makes those who do it feel terrible due to the constant inflammation and cell damage that occur.

Once a smoker puts out their last cigarette with the assistance of a vape device, they’ll start to feel better within a few hours as their journey to a healthier future begins. In the immediate hours-days, the senses start to reawaken with tastes and smells suddenly becoming much more intense and pleasant.

Over time, this newfound vigour will extend to the lungs, which will find it much easier to breathe. Energy levels, which have been sapped by cigarette smoke, will suddenly start to surge as the body purges toxins, which, in time, will revitalise both stamina and appearance. 

Over time, the body will reap a plethora of long-term rewards, and if this isn’t enough to help someone quit smoking for good then perhaps nothing will!



In this day and age where pretty much everything is available to us at our fingertips, we’re all suckers for convenience. The flip side of that means that if something isn’t convenient, we’re likely to put it down and find something that is!

Thankfully, then, vape devices boast convenience in abundance. Many of the most simple, straightforward kits are uncomplicated and easy to use.

Take disposable vapes, for instance. It literally couldn’t get any easier than these pocket-friendly devices. Simply open the box and they’re ready to vape. No battery charging, no coil changing, and no e-liquid refills. Once it’s finished, simply pop it into the bin and swap it for another—easy peasy!

Starter kits and pod kits are also really simple to use, and many of them slide right into your pocket, which makes them accessible and keeps people using them, which is obviously what we want to do to help more and more people quit smoking!


Cost Savings

One aspect of vaping that perhaps doesn’t get as much recognition as it should is the amount of savings there are to be had! Although the health benefits are obviously the most important advantage, we think you’ll agree that potentially saving thousands of pounds per year is a welcome bonus!

Depending on how much you smoke, you could make some significant savings by swapping cigarettes for an electronic alternative. The average smoker spends significantly more on their habit than the average vaper, so not only will you be improving your health but you’ll be giving your finances a nice boost too!


How Long Will It Take to See Results?

According to information from the NHS, the following takes place once you quit smoking:

  • Once you quit smoking, after around 20 minutes, your blood pressure and pulse rate will be back to being around the same as a non-smoker.
  • After 24 hours have passed since your last cigarette, the carbon monoxide from your cigarettes will be completely gone from your body. Your lungs will also begin to start clearing out unwanted mucus and smoking debris.
  • After 48 hours, your food will start to taste better, and your sense of smell will improve. This will make those favourite meals of yours taste incredible once again!
  • After 72 hours, your breathing will become easier, and your energy levels will gradually start to increase.
  • After 2-12 weeks, your circulation will improve. This improved blood flow will improve the appearance of your skin.
  • After 3-9 months, any smoking-induced coughs or breathing problems should improve as your lung function increases by up to 10 percent.
  • After 5 years, your risk of a heart attack will fall to about half of what it was before.
  • After 10 years, your risk of lung cancer will fall to half of what it was previously. Moreover, your risk of a heart attack will be the same as that of someone who never smoked in their life.


So that pretty much covers all there is to know about quitting smoking with the use of a vape device. As you can see, vapes offer an effective way to quit smoking for good. Not only are e-cigarettes a much healthier choice, but they’re also cheaper and come in a range of delicious flavours.

By swapping the tar and carbon monoxide that come with burning tobacco, you can enjoy your nicotine in a much safer way, shielding you from much of the illness associated with smoking.

After quitting, you should see a remarkable change to your health, energy levels, and appearance, while swapping cigarettes for vapes should also make your bank balance look healthier too!